Author Archives: simplyniesh

About simplyniesh

Student Striver Soul Survivor =)

Local Detroit Pastor Lavelle Whitaker Diligently Serves



Lavelle Whitaker at 37, a retired Detroit police officer and current full-time pastor has been in ministry for 15 years. Whitaker was recently appointed pastor of Fenkell Gospel Temple Church of God in Christ by Bishop John H. Sheard of COGIC South West #1 Jurisdiction in 2008. Now it is six years later and Pastor Whitaker is still serving the capacity he was ordained over. And throughout each day of being apart of the ministry, he continues to strive to be a better servant. Whitaker recently retired from the police work force and is fully committed to the work of the ministry. He currently resides as the Superintendent over five churches , and serves as Chief of Security over the South West #1 Jurisdiction.

In 2003, Whitaker got injured in an accident while on duty, that later caused him to retire early because he could not commit to a full-time schedule. Now that Whitaker is a full-time pastor, he has more time to dedicate himself to the church. “Besides the police department, my wife and my children and yet trying to take care of my injured back, I still put God’s business first” Whitaker said. “ I believe I do my very best day in and day out, to see about the people of God, to be there for them if they need information, or counseling, I’m there for them and I will stop everything for them.”

Whitaker does not put a time capsule on the needs of his members. He typically tries to set Mondays for his day of rest and recuperation but the moment he gets a phone call, he gets dressed and goes wherever he is needed. Spending hours over member’s houses, comforting bereaved families, praying for hospitalized patients, or simply fellowshipping with members of his church. Unlike his former occupation Whitaker is never allotted a time for being off duty.

He preaches and teaches at his local church on the west-side of Detroit willingly without a salary.

“I’m more worried about the people of God and their souls, the finances will come as of right now I know the Lord continues to provide,” Whitaker said. I never get caught up in the salaries of other Pastors. Right now I know my church isn’t at a point to where I can be put on a salary so I wouldn’t dare enforce one because I’m more focused on getting the vision, building capacity, and aesthetics of the church to where it should be.”

Whitaker’s faithfulness and dedication to God’s work is applauded by the parishioners and staff he works with on the daily.

“Elder Whitaker is such a blessing to our church, because he constantly teaches us how we can be better, grow, and live sanctified. said Pamela Coleman, missionary of Fenkell Gospel Temple.
And ultimately, Lavelle has a vision to continue to be used and led by God and provide the community with a place of refuge, worship, and shelter.
“I thank God for the teaching I received from my childhood pastor. Who instilled in me that the work of the Lord is to be cherished. And still to this day it is an honor to serve the Lord with gladness. Even though I am a newly appointed pastor, I envision our church as the original church God established.” Whitaker said. “As well as the community outreach church that does It’s best to aid the need of a hurting community. From feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting and assisting the elderly, and developing a place for families to call our place of worship home.”
Similar to most pastors, Sunday mornings are the highlights of Whitaker’s work period. Whitaker spends four to five hours about  three times a week studying; and meditating in prayer while preparing a sermon, or bible study lesson for the members of his church.

And thus far, in his position as a pastor he has had corporate prayers, clothing drives, adopted families in need over the holiday seasons, fed the hungry, back to school rallies, visited nursing homes and countless humanitarian efforts to meet the needs of people who are deprived.
“God’s vision for the church is still what I as a pastor see for the vision of Fenkell Gospel Temple to be that place of refuge, or shelter in a time of storm. When we look at life, it is always some type of “storm” occurring. So why not have somewhere to go that is different from any other social place? Whitaker said. “That place is church and that’s the vision I see for Fenkell Gospel Temple COGIC.”

Local Detroit Pastor Diligently Serves



According to, “the average annual salary for a pastor in the Metro Detroit area is $87,790.”

This salary is a configured median and does not reflect the salary given to local pastors throughout the city of Detroit. For instance, one of Church of God in Christ’s own Pastor Lavelle Whitaker who preaches and teaches at a local church on the west-side of Detroit willingly without a salary.

Like other local Detroit pastors, Whitaker was born and raised in Detroit, MI and is a product of the Detroit Public School system.

“I faced a ton of obstacles hindering me with education but the Lord opened up many doors for me to where I was able to attend Detroit College of Business for 2.5 years and later on I maneuvered to Wayne State University and knowing my story I’m a living witness that all things are possible through Christ.” said Whitaker.

Elder Lavelle  did not finish his degree at Wayne State University, because he was called to the Detroit Police Department. He is going back in a year or two to get his degree. But it was with his employment with the DPD where his ministry began. Whitaker would minister to criminals in the back of his police car, as well as his coworkers at their precinct. It was also with DPD that he was able to live out his life long dream as an officer for over 15 years.

At 37, the Police Officer turned full time pastor has been in ministry for 14 years. And Whitaker was recently appointed Pastor of Fenkell Gospel Temple C.O.G.I.C by Bishop John H. Sheard of COGIC South West #1 Jurisdiction in 2008. Now it is six years later and Pastor Whitaker is still serving the capacity he was ordained over. And throughout each day of being apart of the ministry, he continues to strive to be a better servant. Elder Whitaker recently retired from the police work force to fully commit to ministry work. He currently resides as the Superintendent over five churches , and serves as Chief of Security over the South West #1 Jurisdiction.

Looking at the statistics of locally paid pastors, one would question how could a minister serve in so many capacities willingly? When they see evidence of other local pastors, who have salaries and are taken care of by the church for being a humble servant for the people of God.

“I’m more worried about the people of God and their souls, the finances will come as of right now I know the Lord continues to provide. I never get caught up in the salaries of other Pastors. Right now I know my church isn’t at a point to where I can be put on a salary so I wouldn’t dare in-force one because I’m more focused on getting the vision, building capacity, and aesthetics of the church to where it should be.” said Whitaker

Elder Lavelle has a vision to continue to be used and lead by God and provide the community with a place of refuge, worship, and shelter.

“I thank God for the teaching I received from my childhood pastor. Who instilled in me that the work of the Lord is to be cherished. And still to this day it is an honor to serve the Lord with gladness. Even though I am an newly appointed pastor, I envision our church as the original church God established. As well as the community outreach church that does It’s best to aid the need of a hurting community. From feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting and assisting the elderly, and developing a place for families to call our place of worship home.” said Whitaker

Whitaker speaks passionately about community outreaches because thats apart of his ministry along side preaching and teaching the word of God. Building up the community and helping those in need is one of his primary focuses. Thus far, in his position as a pastor he has had corporate prayers, clothing drives, adopted families in need over the holiday seasons, fed the hungry, back to school rallies, visited nursing homes and countless humanitarian efforts to meet the needs of people who are deprived.

“God’s vision for the church is still what I as a pastor see for the vision of Fenkell Gospel Temple to be that place of refuge, or shelter in a time of storm. When we look at life, it is always some type of “storm” occurring. So why not have somewhere to go that is different than any other social place? That place is church and that’s the vision I see for Fenkell Gospel Temple COGIC.” said Whitaker

Whitaker is a positive role model to younger men in his local community and ministry. And is currently working on a building fundraiser to help renovate his church, so that the building capacity can help serve the community without limitations.

Allison Tumas’ is Content with Being a Spartan






Allison Tumas is a Sophomore at Michigan State University studying Journalism and Arabic.

Tumas chose MSU because she was not ready to leave Michigan since the foundation of her family is close knit. And after coming to a campus tour and comparing her visit to the University of Michigan, she decided to attend MSU because it would be the perfect transition.

Tumas spoke on her initial regrets with attending MSU stating:  “I regretted leaving my family, because I felt that they needed me but a lot of our family situations have improved and i feel better about being away.”

Now that Allison is content with her decision to attend MSU, she is now able to enjoy the opportunities that were awarded to her on campus. Allison is an active member and Vice President of Arab Cultural Society. And as Vice President Tumas is determined to promote awareness at MSU about arabic culture and diminish stereotypes that americans have about arabic culture.

Allison is also apart of the telecasters, a student run production company.  Which gives her alot of opportunity to work with different people and get experience in acting and film.

Even though, Allison is having the time of her life as a college student on today she had major regrets in the beginning of her college career. However, now she is able to be content with her decision to become a spartan.

“ I feel better about being away. Despite having to switch my major a few times in the past,  I am currently  doing things in my field of interest that I love”, said Tumas

 Allison left her regrets in her previous season of college,  but through every bit of uncertainty she was able to press through it. And now that Tumas is having a great experience, she can encourage incoming freshman with three reasons on why they should consider becoming a spartan.

“One reason high school students should attend MSU  is opportunity, anything that you’re passionate about MSU has an outlet of people that will support  your endeavors. Secondly, diversity because here everyone is very diverse and you tend to learn a lot about yourself. And the third reason consists of Education because you could go anywhere for an education but the experience is going to be different.” said Tumas

When a Mother Prays Bible Study Lesson 18


Have you ever been in this predicament

When a Mother Prays

                                         I  surrender all!   Do we really?

There have only been a handful of times where I have found myself in a place of complete surrendering  while away from home.  
We can say and sing I Surrender  All while we are in the comfort of our home, church, synagogue or jamming to music in our cars. We can be at  worship concerts watching and being ENTERTAINED by whomever has the latest hit.
                                      Let’s go back to 2005.
I traveled along with some American missionaries  to find some children  to be registered and got in the…

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How to pack your lunch like a 1st grader.


LMBO !!!

Oh. My. Blog.

I gag when I eat lettuce. I gag harder at the texture of spinach. I’ve almost thrown up upon smelling steamed broccoli. Sometimes, I wonder why my taste buds have such an aversion to such nutritional foods then I realize my mac and cheese is done. Still, I do have every intention of improving my eating habits…you know, someday. Don’t expect me to be eating broccoli tomorrow.

Since I may actually have a big girl job within the next couple of weeks, I’ve been considering what I’m going to do about lunch. Now, being poor means ordering out everyday is not an option. Plus, my heart hurts just thinking about it, so I’ve had to think a little harder then I remembered a Flickr account I came across about a year ago that includes pictures of every lunch one mother packed her first grader for 63 days.


Embarrassing to pull…

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Quick Hummus


hummus is so addictive and you can make this at home instead of running to the market every week

Photo 7

Hummus is a perfect snack, its also great for you. Hummus is packed with protein and fiber and makes a healthy and filling snack. Its great with carrots, cucumbers, and corn chips. Here’s an extremely simple and quick recipe for fast and tasty hummus.

Photo 1


1 can chick peas

1/4th  cup olive oil

1 TBS lemon juice

1 clove garlic

1 tsp crushed red pepper

½ tsp cumin

½ tsp coriander

2 slices roasted pepper (optional)

Put all the ingredients in a food processor and blend till well mixed. It’s that easy!  Enjoy!

Photo 2

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